dijous, 15 de novembre del 2012


Geogebra is a usefull interesting and very inteligent program used for caluclations, math. I think there presintation was outstanding even that there was no volume. Funny because they are spanish and how they express themselves. I hope we do many more of these, they very usefull for life.

dimarts, 6 de novembre del 2012


Sketchup is a bit cheap but very usefull and addictive, wanting to pèrfect your buildings and homes. There presintation was not that good, compared with the impression the program gave me, they could of toled us much more about it, and explaned better.

dimecres, 17 d’octubre del 2012

comment sketchup

I think that Konrad and Tonino's project about sketchup was very usefull and interesting. They did a ver good job!